Empowering young minds to tackle complex scientific problems through sustainable development education.

Developing Future Leaders

Creating innovative STEM schools for early childhood and primary education to train young minds for sustainable development.

STEM School Development
five red apples on white surface
five red apples on white surface

Empowering students to tackle complex scientific problems through interactive and engaging learning methods.

boy and girl uses VR goggles in front hot air balloons wallpaper
boy and girl uses VR goggles in front hot air balloons wallpaper
people stading near wall
people stading near wall
Innovative Teaching Approaches

Implementing cutting-edge teaching strategies to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Inspiring Young Minds

Sustainable Development Focus

STEM Schools

Empowering young minds to solve complex scientific problems for sustainable development.

people sitting on chair inside room
people sitting on chair inside room
Our Vision

We envision creating STEM schools for early childhood and primary education, focusing on training young minds for the future and fostering problem-solving skills for sustainable development.

people standing in front of laptop computer
people standing in front of laptop computer
Teaching and Learning

Our teaching and learning approach is designed to prepare students to tackle complex scientific challenges and contribute to sustainable development goals.

Our experience with acres has been truly inspiring and transformative. The STEM curriculum is top-notch and the teachers are amazing!

Sara Johnson

blue and yellow round plastic toy
blue and yellow round plastic toy
person writing on white paper
person writing on white paper
